Acupuncture developed in China more than 2,500 years ago. It was based on astute observations of nature- the ebb and flow- growth and development. They believed we are integrated beings of body, mind and spirit and that there are pathways and networks of vital forces called qi (pronounced chee) that are what we call in acupuncture, meridians. In East Asian medicine there are ways to observe the subtle changes that show the imbalances, sometimes before there are clear physiological problems.
As acupuncturists we use very fine needles to encourage the flow of qi where it is blocked, so that it can nourish all parts of our being. When the proper flow is established, the being is more balanced. Increasingly acupuncture is accepted by the medical community to treat a wide range of conditions. I use it for conditions of chronic pain, reduction of stress disorders, for gynecological health, digestive disorders, allergies, and emotional well-being amongst other ailments.
Acupuncture developed in China more than 2,500 years ago. It was based on astute observations of nature- the ebb and flow- growth and development. They believed we are integrated beings of body, mind and spirit and that there are pathways and networks of vital forces called qi (pronounced chee) that are what we call in acupuncture, meridians. In East Asian medicine there are ways to observe the subtle changes that show the imbalances, sometimes before there are clear physiological problems.
As acupuncturists we use very fine needles to encourage the flow of qi where it is blocked, so that it can nourish all parts of our being. When the proper flow is established, the being is more balanced. Increasingly acupuncture is accepted by the medical community to treat a wide range of conditions. I use it for conditions of chronic pain, reduction of stress disorders, for gynecological health, digestive disorders, allergies, and emotional well-being amongst other ailments.
This is a style of acupuncture that was developed in Japan, based on classical Chinese acupuncture principles, especially 5 Phase theory. Interestingly, it was developed by primarily blind practitioners of which there is a 400 year old tradition in Japan. Because of the importance of their sense of touch, there is much emphasis on the use of subtle palpation of the pulse in the wrist and of the body.
It differs from many other styles of acupuncture because of the very gentle, delicate needle techniques that are used and are often not inserted. With other tools the skin is rubbed or gently pressed. These techniques are deceptively gentle but very effective. People find the treatment very pleasant and painless and thus it is good for people wary of needles and children. It is the most painless acupuncture.
This is a style of acupuncture that was developed in Japan, based on classical Chinese acupuncture principles, especially 5 Phase theory. Interestingly, it was developed by primarily blind practitioners of which there is a 400 year old tradition in Japan. Because of the importance of their sense of touch, there is much emphasis on the use of subtle palpation of the pulse in the wrist and of the body.
It differs from many other styles of acupuncture because of the very gentle, delicate needle techniques that are used and are often not inserted. With other tools the skin is rubbed or gently pressed. These techniques are deceptively gentle but very effective. People find the treatment very pleasant and painless and thus it is good for people wary of needles and children. It is the most painless acupuncture.